Who We Are

Future Law Lab (FLL) is a virtual research center at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, established within the FutureSoc Excellence Initiative.

The Future Law Lab (FLL) conducts research (scientific), educational, expert and networking activities on theoretical and practical problems related to the interactions between law and empirical sciences, modern technologies and contemporary social and civilisational phenomena. FLL’s activities are intended to bring answers to the challenges that an increasingly dynamic changing world poses to both legal sciences and societies.

Its mission is to help scholars and the society face the challenges arising in the dynamically evolving world.

FLL’s research and activities are devoted to the following areas:  

  • The development of brain sciences (cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, experimental psychology) and their influence on the process of creation, interpretation and enforcement of law; the potential of cognitive sciences to enhance our understanding of human behaviour, as well as the cognitive processes and decisions of the participants of legal transactions.
  • What possibilities and risks stem from the developments information technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence and machine learning) and biotechnology (especially genetics) in the context of legal systems? How to ensure that these advances benefit the society, while at the same time that they do not threaten justice, security and freedom?  

The FLL’s objectives and activities play a crucial role in building a coherent and sustainable JU research ecosystem, corresponding to the ongoing and future discourses at international level. The empirical studies on law, as well as research on the interconnections between law, cognitive sciences and modern technologies are considered as the most influential and inspiring research subjects that shape the prospective globalization of legal order worldwide. The FLL is aimed to participate in the debates relating i.a. to the extralegal factors (cognitive, affective, situational) relevant for the processes of legal decision making, information management (big data, open data, filter bubbles), privacy, IP and consumer protection, cyber crime, mass digitization and Industry 4.0, digital culture and remote education.

Furthermore, FLL aims to react quickly to key emerging issues, in which the law can be either a solution or a part of the problem. Its aim is to identify, observe and evaluate the interactions between law, empirical sciences, modern technologies and contemporary social phenomena. 



In sum, one of the crucial goals of the FLL is facilitation of research on interactions between law, empirical sciences, modern technologies and contemporary social phenomena. Our goal is to conduct innovative and socially responsible research and initiate the transfer of knowledge and technology between the Academia and the socio-economic environment.